All Vote By Mail requests expired after the 2022 General Election. To request Vote By Mail for 2024 elections, visit our Vote By Mail Online Request or call 800-851-8754.


2018 General Election-Constitutional Amendment Information

Voters often ask where they can find information on candidates and issues that appear on their ballot.  In our administrative role, the elections’ office must remain nonpartisan at all times.  Therefore, we must strike a balance between providing relevant voting information on ballot content without promoting or advocating for parties, candidates, or issues.

Towards that end, the sites listed below are in no way endorsed by the Pasco County Supervisor of Elections’ office but may serve as a resource for voters looking to educate themselves on candidates and/or issues that appear on the 2018 General Election ballot. 

Pasco County candidates are afforded an opportunity to provide contact information (such as email, website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) on the elections’ website:

Florida Constitutional Amendments language from the Division of Elections:

And informational websites for these amendments:

Pasco County Bond Referendum (county level) informational website: